It doesn't happen to me very often, but I am sick! I usually only get sick when I am pregnant and so there you go! When I am not pregnant I am a die hard exerciser and I eat pretty healthy. I love salads, fruit, poultry and fish. I never eat red meat. I've never liked it and the thought of eating it makes me sick, so I go for Boca or veggie burgers, ground turkey, and I don't even like steak so that's not a big deal.
The hard thing about being sick is that I am the mom and I am not supposed to get sick. Dads can get sick because they get sick days at work or in Garr's case, he just works around it with his business, but moms don't get sick days. There are still dirty dishes to wash, laundry to clean, fold and put away, shopping and of course the kids don't go away so they still need to be cared for. Then when Mom, Dad and 2 kids are sick, the fun just never ends! Garr and Mike are getting better. Mike is on antibiotics for an ear infection and he is feeling much better but it has taken a week.
Now Alison is sick. She has a fever and I took her to the doctor today. I wouldn't have jumped the gun and taken her in so soon (she started feeling sick yesterday) but she told me her ear was hurting so to me that's an automatic ear infection - might as well get the antibiotics going on her, too. But the doctor said her ears were just fine. He asked her where her ear hurt (good idea, Mom) and she touched her earlobe. She has sensitive ears and doesn't wear earrings very often but of course I didn't think to ask her where her ear hurt. Oh well, so I'll probably end up taking her back to the doctor on Monday if her fever keeps up and then he will tell me that she now has an ear infection. Or maybe she just has what Garr and I have and in a couple of weeks she'll be over it. I'm hoping she feels better sooner than that, though because her baptism is planned for next Saturday and you can't baptize a kid with a fever of 103º!
Even though I am feeling a little better, I still need my rest so I'm off to bed to dream about breathing freely and sleeping through the night without coughing!