Friday, October 24, 2008

Week before Halloween

My kids are off-track right now and the weather could not be better! It has been so nice outside for the longest time. I am glad it is finally cooling down somewhat, though. Fall is my favorite time of year and right now the weather is perfect!

I love Halloween. It's so much fun to send the kids out trick-or-treating. Tonight was the ward trunk-or-treat party and we stuffed ourselves on chili and cheese nachos. Then the trick-or-treating began along with the candy eating! Jacob and Peter went around to all the cars about 5 times each. They are so loaded up with candy now and don't have a problem sharing with Mom and Dad!

The kids had fun creating their own costumes this year. I'll have to take pictures of the kids on Halloween night and put them up. Have a great week before Halloween!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Jacob's Birthday

Saturday was Jacob's 12th birthday and I can't believe I'm old enough to have a Deacon! He was ordained yesterday and it was wonderful. We had a very fun weekend. Saturday was the last day of flag football. Peter played a double header and his first game was at 8:00 a.m. followed immediately by a 9:00 a.m. game. Although they tried their best, they lost both games. :) He was pretty worn out and spent the next few hours playing Game Cube. Jacob's game was at noon and, with Garr as his coach, they won the game! Both of the boys did great and I will put a picture up soon.
For dinner we went to Red Robin. That's where the kids always like to go for their birthday dinner. Yesterday we had family over to celebrate and visit. It was a busy and fun weekend!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Conference Weekend

What a crazy day! The weather has been so nice for September/October and all of a sudden it's freezing, raining and windy all day today when we have two flag football games and outdoor family photos scheduled. But we're tough! Peter's game was at 8:00 this morning - that's just too early for a Saturday! We were cold and wet, but he played a great game, getting the flag a few times (Yay Pete!) and we had fun cheering him on! Jacob's game was at 11:00. I didn't want to take Mike out into the cold again so I missed the first half. I put Mike down for a nap, Peter came home to be with Mike and I got to go enjoy the second half. Garr was awesome coaching those boys. He was really getting into it and he does a great job recognizing their strengths and putting them to work. Jacob was amazing! The first part of the second half he ran 4o yards for the touchdown!!! That was so fun to watch! Boy were we all glad to get home and warm up after that!

But we were not able to relax and watch Conference like we had hoped because we had family pictures scheduled. Thank goodness we were able to find a place indoors because the rain and wind were relentless! But the pictures were fun and we are just waiting for Garr's awesome photographer brother to let us see the results. So glad everyone in Garr's family could be there. I think we had 24 people!

Our family loves to watch Conference. We treat Conference Saturday like Conference Sunday! Of course on Saturday I get any shopping done that's needed or the kids play with friends during the break, but we are always watching, taking notes, drawing pictures or playing Conference Bingo and eating candy! It was hard not to be able to watch all of it today, but we saw what we could and listened in the car. We are looking forward to the next two sessions.

Garr took Jacob to the Priesthood session for the first time. Kids grow up so fast.