Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas

This year our Christmas card will be online. I already mentioned in the previous post that I am not sending out cards this year. But I wanted to get this up anyway.

Garr and I are busy parents and we love our kids. We can't believe how fast they grow.

Jacob is 12 and was ordained a Deacon this past October. He loves being in Young Men's. He is so fun to be around and is always making us laugh.

Peter is 9. He has been in the school choir this year and enjoys that. We attended his Christmas concert last week and had a blast. He is always positive and helpful - a great kid!

Alison is 7 going on 13. She is a beautiful girl and a joy to be around. Alison is a great artist (she takes after her dad) and very organized. She gets great grades in school and loves helping the other kids.

Michael is 2. Need I say more? He is actually very sweet and funny! He does typical two year-old things which makes me both crazy and happy. He loves cars and trains and his older siblings. He is spoiled with love and we are all happy.

We are looking forward to the birth of our 5th child sometime in June 2009 and know that he/she will bring us as much joy as the rest of our troop.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. May you find much joy and happiness this Christmas Season as well as in the New Year.

Love, Garr and Jennie Ovard and kids

• Here is a link to a photo of us that was taken in October.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Cards

I was just reading a friends blog and commented on something she wrote so I decided to expound here. She was talking about whether to mail or e-mail Christmas cards. She pretty much said, why bother? That's what blogging is for. In a huge way I agree with that. I mean, there's Facebook and blogging. People read about your life and see pictures all year long, so why do you need to send a Christmas card? I think it's nice to send one in the mail to people that you almost never hear from. But I don't need a card from most of my friends and family because I read their blogs and keep updated on Facebook.

Another thing is that cards can be very time consuming and even costly to mail out. Every year I stress out about getting pictures printed (and if I even HAVE a current picture of my family, it's a miracle), getting envelopes, colored paper to print the letter on and who knows how many stamps! Not to mention what to write about in the Christmas letter. I write and rewrite and wonder what to say and what not to say.

This year I told myself I wasn't doing Christmas letters or neighbor gifts. Not because I am being a Scrooge, but because of my morning sickness. Now with neighbors bringing gifts to us I am feeling a little bit guilty but I just can't stress about it this year. I can only do what I can do.

I know we will receive cards from people that are not on Facebook or that blog, and that is wonderful. I will probably mail a letter back to them and tell them about my blog if they want to see pictures of my family.

For those of you who may disagree with me about this, I totally understand. Christmas cards in the mail are a great tradition. It's fun to get them, but if you want me to read your blog instead, just shoot me an e-mail. It's great to hear from friends anytime of the year, not just Christmas!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Exciting news

So I had this great exciting news that I wanted to tell everyone and then Garr said, "Let's wait awhile." So we did, but we told the kids. They, of course, were so excited that they started telling people, which was fine, but we were still going to wait.

So yes, I am pregnant which a lot of people found out on Facebook. I haven't gotten onto my blogs for a few weeks because I am sicker than a dog. I don't mean to be a wuss, but I really get very sick and if I don't have drugs to help me, then I am in bed or throwing up all day for 8 weeks. Even when I do have drugs, I still have days when I can't hardly move.

So I guess I am going to start every paragraph with the word "so". I wanted to wait awhile longer to tell everyone in the world this news because I wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat, etc. Yesterday was my first appointment and Garr and I did hear the heartbeat and it sounds wonderful! And there is just one baby. :)

So this is going to be the last child and I am really hoping for a girl and so is Alison. I'm getting too old and it's just too many kids, you know? he he.

So this is the last paragraph and if anyone wants to donate to my eating out/craving fund, please send a check to my address.