Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Cards

I was just reading a friends blog and commented on something she wrote so I decided to expound here. She was talking about whether to mail or e-mail Christmas cards. She pretty much said, why bother? That's what blogging is for. In a huge way I agree with that. I mean, there's Facebook and blogging. People read about your life and see pictures all year long, so why do you need to send a Christmas card? I think it's nice to send one in the mail to people that you almost never hear from. But I don't need a card from most of my friends and family because I read their blogs and keep updated on Facebook.

Another thing is that cards can be very time consuming and even costly to mail out. Every year I stress out about getting pictures printed (and if I even HAVE a current picture of my family, it's a miracle), getting envelopes, colored paper to print the letter on and who knows how many stamps! Not to mention what to write about in the Christmas letter. I write and rewrite and wonder what to say and what not to say.

This year I told myself I wasn't doing Christmas letters or neighbor gifts. Not because I am being a Scrooge, but because of my morning sickness. Now with neighbors bringing gifts to us I am feeling a little bit guilty but I just can't stress about it this year. I can only do what I can do.

I know we will receive cards from people that are not on Facebook or that blog, and that is wonderful. I will probably mail a letter back to them and tell them about my blog if they want to see pictures of my family.

For those of you who may disagree with me about this, I totally understand. Christmas cards in the mail are a great tradition. It's fun to get them, but if you want me to read your blog instead, just shoot me an e-mail. It's great to hear from friends anytime of the year, not just Christmas!

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