Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This is my first giveaway. Will there be more? That remains to be seen. I have taken up a new hobby - crocheting dish/washcloths. Many of them are for gifts, but I have lots that I want to sell. So first, the giveaway: I'm sending you to my awesome friend's blog - http://dgoddessblog.blogspot.com/ Please go there, look at the cloths and browse her blog, she is amazing! Follow her instructions for entering the giveaway and at the end of the week, she will pick a winner. The winner will let me know which three wash/dishcloths you want and I will mail them to you.
For those of you who do not win, you can purchase the cloths from me directly if you would like. They are 2 for $5, 3 for $6 or 4 for $8. Plus shipping. I have more colors than those pictured and will add more pictures soon. Let me know what you want and I will give you a total then send you to Paypal (info3@garrcreative.com) to pay. Or you can send me a money order.
These crocheted cloths are very durable and are great for use in the kitchen or the bathroom. Much better and longer lasting than regular washcloths and dishcloths.
Good luck!


Unknown said...

I LOVE crocheting! It's so relaxing isn't it? I agree 100% when you say these cloths are great and very durable. I have some that I made several years ago and are still in great cleaning condition. I love the colors you've chosen for yours. They look great!

Anonymous said...

your cloths are so exciting! i entered at brit's blog and i hope i win! so great to see you the other day! xo

Anne said...
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